Best way to find IT talent on job portals
IT talent on job portals
Now that you know your profile and you know how to write an attractive vacancy for candidates. It is time to distribute our vacancy in the different sources of recruitment to technology candidates. One of the most effective means of recruiting IT talent is job portals. Job portals are the candidates’ first choice when looking for work. Many people consider portals as the best way to find IT entry-level jobs.
What is talent?
Talent is related to intelligence, which is the ability to understand, and physical or mental aptitude, which is the ability to perform or exercise a concrete activity. It must be borne in mind that talent is not something reserved for a privileged few who from a very early age already show a special innate gift, but in many cases, it appears after the years and in the most unexpected way.
Talent can be developed with practice and training. It is about learned or acquired talent versus innate or inherited talent. There is an important difference between the two forms of talent. A person with innate talent will never lose the ability, even if he does not use it. On the contrary, a person with a learned talent must practice regularly, otherwise, he will progressively lose his ability.
One of the most needed professions
According to data from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), the IT sector is one of the most needed professions between 2014-2024 with an average rate of increase of 12%. As with other majors, the job prospects for Information Engineering graduates are quite broad and varied, for example, network experts, software engineers and developers, consultants, analysts, systems, and network security. Later, they will be responsible for coordinating the construction, maintenance, and expansion of computer systems in a business.

Where do tech candidates look for jobs?
With job portals, candidates know they can find hundreds of jobs from many companies in one place. Also, when a technology candidate searches for a job on Google, most likely in the search for it. The vacancies that are published on job portals will appear first. Well, portals make many efforts to appear first in internet search engines when someone is looking for work. In addition to having thousands of vacancies indexed in Google. Thanks to the reach that job portals have with candidates, they can be a great way to receive more applicants.
Practically all of them help you with two tasks: publish your vacancies to receive applications from their users and search for candidates in their talent base. However, some of them are generalist portals that are not designed to recruit IT talent quickly and efficiently.
For example, if you are looking for an SAP FICO Consultant in the talent base of a generalist portal and you use the word “SAP” in keywords. Most likely you will get accountants who use SAP to capture information because their system found that word in the candidate’s resume. They are profiles that have nothing to do with an SAP specialist implementing a FICO module. If you want to fill your technology vacancies, there are a lot of specialized portals.
How do I receive more applications on the job portals?
By publishing your vacancy on job portals you will receive some candidate applications. However, some recruiters sometimes do not receive as many applicants as they would like on the job portals. Usually, this happens because the writing of the vacancy has areas for improvement.
To receive more applicants for your job offer, you must write a vacancy that is not just a brief description of the position. You must write a vacancy that tells the candidate why your company is a great option to work for.
Normally in the job portals, the administrative vacancies receive hundreds of applicants. However, technology vacancies are the ones that receive the least applications. Since talent is scarce and there are not enough professionals to cover the demand.
To find technology profiles, I always recommend actively searching for candidates on job portal talent pools. If you just wait for candidates to apply directly to your position, you probably won’t get enough applicants to fill the position.
How do the talent bases work?
Job portals ask their users to fill out a form with their contact details and professional experience so that recruiters can contact them in case they are interested in their profile. Companies pay to access these talent bases and search for the profiles they are hiring. The great advantage of job portals is that the recruiter can search through filters on this talent base. In addition, they can access the contact information of the candidates (telephone and email) to communicate immediately with them in case the candidate’s profile is what they are looking for.
From the information that has been described above. It can be concluded that job portals are the easiest way to find IT talents for our jobs.